Tuesday, May 6, 2008


the weeks seem to be getting longer as summer gets closer, more like farther. it rained last night and this morning and must have been pretty bad, because there were baby birds in the different court yards at school that were soaked to the bone and dead!! it was crazy " look a dead bird" "were?" "over there, and a nother that way!!" ALL DAY LONG!! so there were some birds so what nothing to die over. It is getting boring the teachers are running out of ideas for lessons. I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!


rock pup said...

sorry for my horrid spellin' i was in a bit of a rush 4 no reason

S said...

Enjoy your young school career.
It may be a pain in the rear
But you'll grow up my dear
No more free room and board from the Steers
You'll miss these days you call dreer.

pappasan said...

Schools out and what have you thought of doing so you won't be bored this summer?????