Sunday, May 4, 2008


You know how people think its funny when people use, B*** (butt), or the ,butt, pictures? i hate it i think it i realy stupid!! and rude to put it in public! along with people saying cuss words around kids that will most likly repet them for ever! i feel bad for kids who have parents who just dont care what they do. it gets on my nerves and makes me wonder how the parents became that way? was it the same ,parents who dont care, or friends? im glad i know that i can repent and that i have the word of wisdom and i hope that when i have kids they dont become like most teens today. i am lucky to belong to the true church of Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

Ivy, you are such a good girl! I really appreciate reading your testimony. Keep it up and you will go far!

rock pup said...

yes yes i am!!

S said...

I agree with you, Ivy. Some parents just don't understand why they should teach their children to be moral and polite let alone why they themselves should be moral or polite. Hopefully someone will be brave enough to speak up and tell them about God and how he loves and feels and expects things of us.

pappasan said...

One thing I have noticed, not so much anymore since I am not in the field at work anymore, is that I do not believe it is just the parents. I met a couple of parents who children were like that, because of their friends. Stand up to your friends as well, if they are your friends, they will try their hardest to continue to be your friend. If it bothers them, then maybe they are not worth having as friends.

rock pup said...

i belive that remember kimberly she was not a good friend although i was still nice to her i didnt trust her very much after the tea incedint!!